Sunday 30 September 2012

Can you put a price-tag on truth?

How much is the truth worth? What would you sacrifice to have it? What would you give up to share that truth? Would you give up your time? Money? Energy?

What about your job? What about your peace of mind? Would you give up your safety? Or someone else's safety?

How important is it to know the truth?

I guess that really depends on what truth we're talking about doesn't it?

If we're talking about the truth that I currently have ten plane tickets from various flights tacked to my wall, or the truth that as yet unpublished my novel Clone is a little over 75,000 words, you probably don't care too much.

If we're talking about a government conspiracy that's deliberately sabotaging every blonde's education so that they're barred from going to university, you'd probably care quite a bit more. So I suppose these questions are all going to end up being quite relative to each person depending on what truth they have in mind.

But what about just the concept of truth? Not one specific truth, but the idea of it. There are lots of people today who would argue the fact that truth can even exist, they may be reading this post right now. How do you feel about that? Do you want to fight for it? Do you care?

I know I do. It's actually one of the issues I explore in the book I'm seeking to get published. The desire to know the truth, and the desire to share that truth with others for no other reason than to have the truth out there. Simply because it should be. Is that a bad thing? Lots of people in the book think so.

We live in a society where secrets are some of the most valuable things we possess. We guard them with our lives. Hoard them like gems. Our privacy is something so precious to us that we will fight tooth and nail to keep it. I think a lot more people are concerning themselves with making sure the truth will never surface than to see the truth come out. And what has that done for us? Not a whole heck of a lot. It's created an untrusting, closed, distant society where no one really knows anyone else.

In some genres - like mystery - deceit, and veiled truth are the most valuable things of all. The whole point of the book is that you don't know the whole truth. So I guess in some situations we actually take pleasure out of not knowing the truth. After all, who doesn't enjoy a surprise birthday party every once in a while?

Even still, sometimes I really wish that there could be no more secrets. I just wish that the whole truth were always out there 24/7. Things would be a lot simpler. Sincerity would be a real thing again. Survivor would never work.

"Are you in an alliance with Jen?"
"And are you going to vote me out tonight?"
"Well, I'm thoroughly disappointed but not surprised. I'll go pack my stuff."

Oh ya, great suspense. But I digress.
I guess what I'm saying is, I would love for the truth to not just be a moment, or a particular phrase, but a state of being. I think that's what God's will would be for us. to live in complete truth with one another, and in so doing, draw nearer to him. To never keep any hidden sin in our lives, and always confess it openly.

But for so many people that will never happen, because we're fearful. We're scared of what might happen. We like our secrets. We like that no one really knows us because if they did they'd know just how messed up we all are. Does that mean I never have secrets? No. Because I'm not perfect either. I'm just saying it would be a lot easier to be truthful if that was just the norm.

I can only speak for myself, but I know I'd give almost anything to have the truth. The real cold hard truth all the time. Our world would be a much better place if we could just be honest with each other.

I guess the real question is, could we handle the truth all the time?

So what do you think? Truly? How valuable is the truth?


  1. I actually don't think that we could handle the truth all the time. Sometimes the truth doesn't need to be said to spare someone's feelings, granted, other times it is necessary.
    Hearing/speaking the truth all the time I think would eliminate a lot of problems in the world that stem from deceit and lies especially in relationships.
    That is an ideal I would agree with you would be nice, but because we live in a fallen world it will never happen.

  2. Truth ALL the time is a risk. Can we trust people with the truth? Will people use it against us? Will we be ostracized or ridiculed for it? The truth will set us free, but there is a cost for complete truth. How valuable is the freedom it promises?

  3. Thanks for your replies guys! It's definitely a complex issue to think about. I guess I would agree that as we are now, the whole truth would be difficult at best to take all the time. What I wonder, is would that be different if we had grown up in a world of complete truth? It's funny, I wrote half of this post about a month ago, and the other half last week, so I have conflicting opinions on this even in my own mind. I really like that question though "How valuable is the freedom it promises?" It puts the whole situation in a different light. Is it the truth we're after, or the result of having it in the open? Do we value what it is we're keeping secret, or the fact that it's hidden?

    I'm a sucker for pseudo-psychological thought that leads nowhere. :P Fun stuff to think about. At the end of the day though, truth should always be valued over deception, no matter the cost. I don't see my opinion on that changing anytime soon.
