Sunday 20 May 2012

You're Just Not Worth It.

I've been debating whether or not to post this for a while, and I've finally just decided to go for it. This is a poem I wrote a few weeks ago, written from a girl's perspective. That may sound weird, but it'll make sense at the end of the poem.

You're just not worth it.

It's just not going to work out
between you and I.
So I have to end this.
No hard feelings, I just can't afford this relationship.
A woman's got to have the right to choose
who she lets into her life.
If only these were different circumstances
I might have been able to cope.
But I never expected to see you - not now. You just weren't
part of my plans.
I'm sure you'll understand one day.
You're just not worth it.

Don't you see how much pain you'll cause me?
Don't you understand what I'd have to go through
to make this work?
Do you realize how terrible it was for me
when I found out about you?
You were supposed to be something great
for me.
But you're really just an
I'm sorry, but you have to go.
You're just not worth it.

I've thought this through a million times,
and everyone I've talked to agrees.
You wouldn't be good for me.
Just not right now. I have to do
the responsible thing.
I have to do what's right
for me.
My future is riding on this,
I can't let you jeopardize everything.
You're just not worth it.

Some might argue with me.
They say I'm not being fair, and
I know it's not your fault.
But at this point, that's not the issue.
Who's to blame doesn't matter,
what matters is you're here
and you shouldn't be.
You're just not worth it.

I'm not heartless.
I'm making the best decision I know how to make.
I've done my research on your kind, and
I know what could happen,
so I'm not going to take any risks.
I'm taking you out of my life
before you can cause me any pain.
You're just not worth it.

Once you're gone
I'll move on with my life.
I won't regret it for a moment.
It will be like you never even
I won't remember you.
You're just not worth it.

One moment is all it takes.
One moment, and you're gone.
Like the flip of a switch, the
blowing out of a candle.
I'll let you go like the sand in my fingers.
You're just not worth it.

I'll admit though, the idea
of having you here with me
still clings to my mind even now.
But I'll shut you out. I must.
You're just not worth it.

Time is fleeting. Time to
Time to give you up.
You're just not worth it.

It's time to say goodbye, but I feel like
I never got the chance to get to know you.
You're just not worth it.

In the end, you were never worth the trouble, because
you're just not worth it.

My baby.

This poem was my reaction to an article I read on abortion. A lot of the lines are actually almost exact quotes from women who have had abortions. This poem sums up basically the way I see most women thinking through this situation. You have no idea how much it saddens me to know that there are millions of people who have been told this, whether while they were still in the womb, during middle school, or in the adult world. So many people have been told that they're just not worth someone's time, respect, or love.

It doesn't matter who you're talking to, you don't have the right to tell someone they don't deserve to live because they're an inconvenience to you. Killing a child is never the responsible thing to do. I realize this is a very controversial issue, and there are many aspects to this debate. Do not read into this and assume that I hate women who have had abortions. I'm grieved by their decisions, but that doesn't mean that I hate who they are or something like that. My feelings about this issue stem entirely from my desire for everyone to have a chance to come into this world and live their own life.

I think one of my all-time favourite heroes from my childhood said it best, when he declared that "A person's a person, no matter how small." I'm not trying to put words into the author's mouth here, I'm just saying what I've always taken out of that story. And that is simply that it doesn't matter how insignificant someone may seem, they matter to God, and therefore they matter to me.

I don't think I need to ask any questions to get people commenting on this one, but I would like to just request that we all remain civil in our discussion of this issue. Just think about what you say before commenting. That is all.


  1. Excellent stuff, and a great perspective on an important subject.

  2. A woman also has a right to make her own choices, misogynistic body-policing aside. I'm assuming from your obvious white, middle-class male-privilege that this is a choice that you will never have any perspective on.

    And what are your thoughts on cases of rape?

  3. Thank you for your comment.

    I'm sorry that I've written this post in such a way as to come off as misogynistic. My intention is not to be hateful or judgmental toward women at all. I have the utmost respect for women, and understand that many have choices to make that I will never have to worry about. That doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion about them, and having an opinion doesn't mean that I'm trying to belittle them, or come down hard on them.

    You're right. I am a white, middle-class man who will never know what it's like to be a woman. I don't understand a woman's perspective perfectly, but do you expect any man to? I certainly agree that a woman has the right to make her own choices. Among those choices are abstinence, adoption, and contraception. When I say that, I'm sure you will read into it and hear me as condemning. I will re-iterate. I am not saying that women who have abortions are somehow more evil than anyone else. I am not saying I don't like them. I am saying that it deeply saddens me to see so many people make a choice that they feel is their only option when it's not.

    As for rape, I think it's vile, and incredibly damaging and destructive. People are capable of unbelievable injustice. Where we will most likely diverge in opinion is that I am not someone who believes in situational ethics. If something is right, then it's right in every situation, and if something is wrong, then it is wrong in every situation. Sometimes (in rare cases) you will have to choose between the lesser of two evils, but the lesser of two evils does not become good by virtue of being compared to the alternative.

    Applied to this situation, if a woman were to get pregnant after being raped, I would say that was appalling, and incredibly unjust. It would break my heart to see someone go through that.

    However, I believe that from the moment of conception there is life. I honestly couldn't care less if you say there's no heartbeat or brain, or anything else. In my mind that's a person from the very beginning, and to willingly cause the death of another person is wrong (let's not get into war, that's a whole other can of worms).

    So while it is tragic when women get pregnant after a rape, it is in my mind made much more tragic when that woman decides that the baby is not deserving of life.

    What it comes down to for me, is a woman has a right to make her own decisions, but doesn't a person also have the right to live? I will stand behind women's rights to be respected, and treated with dignity, but I will also stand behind a person's right to come into this world regardless of the circumstances surrounding their birth.

    I didn't start this blog so I could have arguments and hurt people's feelings. In both my original post, and in my reply, I have sincerely done my best to be as clear and sympathetic as possible. I hope that I've at least answered your question to your satisfaction, and that you will not take this as something personal.
