Monday 14 January 2013

My Thoughts on Rejections

How many rejections does it take to give up on something? How many times do you need to hear "No" before it sinks in? That's the question I've been asking myself lately. In my quest for literary greatness I never imagined so many people would completely overlook how awesome I am...

Seriously though.

I guess it just hits you harder than you expect it to. When someone tells you they don't want to hire you, or you're told that you didn't make the cut for a scholarship, it hurts. Then life goes on, and you suck it up. But how many times do you have to be told you aren't talented enough to start to believe it? How many times does it take to make you start believing you're just being stubborn? Or blind?

I guess what it comes down to for me, is that I believe in my work, and I will stand by it. I know it's not perfect, but I also don't think it's trash. Who knows, maybe I'm deluded, and I'll never get to quit my day-job. Maybe I'm really not up to snuff, but it's not going to stop me from trying. Not yet anyway.

Sometimes I wonder what people will think when they look at this blog. They may see inconsistency, they may see irrelevancy. They may see repetition, or even just plain bad writing. They may see me as shooting myself in the foot if an agent were to swing by. At the end of the day though, what you see when you come to this blog is exactly what the subtitle says. Writing, publishing dreams, and little bits of me. And you know what? That can get messy. My life has been a roller coaster of craziness these last few months. My sister got married, I spent my first Christmas away from my family, and I survived an apocalypse. What a year. No wonder I haven't been around to post something in a while!

All that to say, I'm realizing more and more that I'm not perfect. I've got lots of dreams that I want to see fulfilled, and I've got no shortage of people telling me they can't happen, or at the very least that they won't be happening today. I've got places I want to go, things I want to see, and people I want to meet. So many in fact, that I'm positive that I won't be able to do them all in my lifetime. It would be a very sad life indeed though to have this many dreams and not hold on to at least a few. So you wanna reject me? Bring it on. You wanna tell me I can't do this? Go ahead. I won't stop you. But you know what?

You're not going to stop me either.


  1. Love it Seth. Never give up on your dreams. Just remember Disney's story :)
